Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Demeanor of the Candidate

On Thursday, much of the nation watched a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding Brett Kavanaugh, the current nominee of President Donald Trump for a seat on the Supreme Court, and allegations of sexual misconduct in his youth.  My impression is that people saw the proceedings colored by some combination of political views and personal experience. 

Democratic supporters see the need to investigate the allegations.  Republican supporters see it as a political show where suddenly these allegations surface just before the Senate needs to vote on the nominee.  

Women who’ve been raped or sexually abused (and those who know these women) may be suffering again through the horror of that experience.  Men may be worried that some forgotten event in their teens or twenties might be dredged up and now it’s a he-said-she-said situation.

While I could comment on all the above, I’m wondering if the trump card isn’t Kavanaugh’s demeanor both in his statement (a diatribe against the Democrats) and his emotion and anger.  If I were his lawyer, I wouldn’t want him on the stand.  If I were on the jury, I’d suspect he’s hiding guilt behind this offence of blame, accusations and anger.  As a juror, I’d probably vote “guilty as charged!”

I don’t think anything will stop the majority Republicans in the Senate from seating him on the high court.  I also suspect that the party in part sees him as red meat for the base:  he may be finally the vote that overturns Roe.  Think of that for the Republicans in the mid-terms and 2020:  the short shelf life for Roe added to the tax cut, beating up on trade partners, defense of the National Anthem, severe reduction in immigration, etc.  So much red meat for the base.

Kavanaugh is the poster child for the party of the angry white man!

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